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The 1 Thing Every Entrepreneur Must Know to Succeed.

I don’t know how it happened, but it was bound to happen. And it did. It was pretty epic, too. It only took me two months to notice I completely goofed an email campaign sent back in June. The heading read “entrepreneurship month”, when in fact I meant to drop in my content for “entrepreneurs DIY marketing month”. #cruelirony

mistake mood

My truth is, in addition to being beautifully human, I’m a solopreneur. After realizing my gaffe, my mind instantly went into the looking glass of what we’ll just call negative self-talk, which included an array of expletives, and a few excuses.

Then I stopped myself cold.

How would this conversation go if I were talking to one of my employees? Honestly, I would be disappointed with the amount of time wasted doing the beat-myself-up dance. And the conversation would be steered away from the circumstance that cannot be changed or taken back, to what can we do about it now?

Now the really funny part: it turns out, it wasn’t a mistake at all! Reviewing the analytics from what I dubbed a failed campaign actually helped me get a better grasp of what kind of content a segment of my subscribers were interested in. And now, I can make the necessary adjustments to meet that demand. Oh yeah, and did I mention that all the panic was for nothing? No one else knew about my so-called error….well, until now.

As people, employees, managers, business owners, we all have times when we all we see is problems. I think Jay-Z penned a classic about this, but I digress…

Not to find success, but rather to feel successful, every entrepreneur must understand life offers neither problems nor challenges, only opportunities.

Changing this perspective will not only change how efficiently you move to action, but it will change your attitude about it. In exchange, you will notice relationships around you will begin to shift as well—with your vendors, your clients and customers, with your support team, and so on.

This simple shift in your leadership style will open doors, spur creativity, and lay the foundation for a business environment that is balanced and fulfilling.

Try it before you buy it: Think about every time you faced a problem or challenge across your professional journey… What was the opportunity on the other side of it?


Ready to RESET (Review/Energize/Strategize/Empower/Take Action)? Get started today and find out the power in your leadership levels with an Energy Leadership Index assessment. It’s like a credit report for your attitudes about work and life.

If you want to take things slow, you can stay connected by email, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter. Or if you’re ready to jump right in and find your qi in QueenSuite, book a strategy session to get started!

My ideal clients meet the following criteria:

  1. My clients must be inspiring or have an inspiring mission.

  2. They must make, or be ready to make, a big impact.

  3. They must be fun.

  4. They must bring along a challenge.

  5. And they must understand the power of commitment.

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